Architecture Design
EOI 2020 ++
- The Production of Doubt: A Monolithic Tower in New York City
- Illusion Relief
- Shifted Landscapes
- Running of the Rooms
- Mandelbulb
- Oblique
- Illumination
- Upside Down Hospital
Landscape Architecture
EOI 2023 ++
A Greenhouse + Market Hall: Barnes’ Barns in the Grid of Des Moines
- The Landscape of Wind: Synthetic & Natural Energy Flows
Dreamscapes of Aurora: Geothermal Landscapes of Energy and Rejuvenation
- The Ruinous Edge: Urban Assemblages and Frameworks
- Do-Nothing Landforms
- Pleistocene Park
- Mapping & Representation
Writings / Exhibitions
EOI 2023 ++
- GSD Kirkland Gallery
- Architectural Performance Through Duchamp’s Large Glass
- Dynamic Raumplan
- On Abstraction and Dissolving Anatomical Forms
Object Int’l —
- Architecture is a perfect metaphor, an allegory in volume. When placed its sculptural limits beget a kind of artistic proposition — and when considered with reduced anthropomorphism and ungeologically — produce a ready-made analog to the causation and bounds of our attempts at the understanding of all things.